June 5, 2009

  • Can I be Your Friend? No?... But I Have cookies.

    It's funny how we meet random people and we carefully select or sometimes they select us to be friends. It's bizarre if you really look at the way people go about this meticulous procedure. What exactly is this procedure? It's difficult for me to describe this phenomenon other than the "it just happens naturally." Aside from the fact that sharing your cookies with somebody is the best way to make a buddy, what are the defining characteristics or traits that either separates us into acquaintances, friends, or lovers? It's also interesting to note how one person can either make your life fulfilling, keep you in a trapped state of self loathing, set your life into disarray or perhaps that person can actually help you realize your potential. So do people naturally,at first, select "friends" that they believe will benefit them in some way? Or, is this just an unconscious decision based purely on emotion? Are we naturally that selfish? I know friendships are further strengthened by mutual gains. "I help you and in turn you'll help me when I need it." I recently encountered someone who is extremely self-absorbed. It all became apparent to me when she said those few words "It's not up to you guys... it's whenever I want to talk." That for me just said cancel __________ as a potential friend. But does that make me selfish as well? Maybe the next time the opportunity arises ill offer her my cookies and if she shares her milk I'll know...

    Are there people who say "hmnn... this person seems like he/she would be a good friend now I will deploy my friend making strategies."

    Also on a side note I see a lot of guys who end up in the "friend zone" unfortunately for them this is not a give and take relationship- more like a give give. I personally don't consider this a friendship.In this situation the guy is like a chair he has to support all her emotional weight and although he has legs he can't move. And then there are guys and girls who end up being the only person invested in a relationship. Perhaps this occurs because they dive right into a relationship without having first learned to be friends and the whole give and take relationship is never learned.

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