December 12, 2008

  • Cora is straight up Jailbait, lol.

    What causes a person's personality to be carved into various shapes and distortions?
    The influence of society and it's norms are the chisel and we are the slabs of wood.
    I once knew a girl who had the most incredibly beautiful and unique laugh
    she has since been turned into a laughing mute:society excised her vocal chords.
    I miss my dreams where people were not afraid of their unique qualities.
    This is a sleepwalking existence.

    Rod Blagojevich fucked up big time, it's too bad since he actually did a lot of good..

Comments (2)

  • I get like that a lot. Some people are just afraid to be themselves and are afraid of others being too critical.

  • Hmm..

    you know I knew what I was going to say but it sliped my mind.

     I think what causes someones personality to change is the fact that every thing changes around us. For example, I used to wash my hair everyday, as you know, I was complete OCD about it.. Now I can live if i wait a day or two people get over things too quickly. I used to jump from one guy to the next, and now I have been with somone for two years. So if some one else around you changes before you do, that can or could cause you to change. There is a disorder called Seasonal defective disorder(sp?) where peoples mood changes with the seasons. Maybe its just natural for a persons personality to change with age. The more you learn, the more you grow! <<<


    P.s. did you get your phone yet?

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