May 16, 2008

                 Yo so I read something off of Theologians Cafe- link  Which lead me to this link. Basically it got me to thinking about a particular statement that was made on the daily mail website-(the second link)

    In recent years, the growing reach
    of the internet and social networking
    sites such as MySpace, Facebook
    and Bebo has meant that the
    influences to which teenagers are
    exposed are not controlled by mere geography.

    While this can have
    positive effects, Professor Stephen
    Briggs, a clinician in the adolescent
    department of the Tavistock Clinic,
    says it can also adversely affect the
    way teenagers develop.

    "With mobile phones, the internet
    and Facebook you can create a
    virtual world that means you need
    never be alone," he says. "It means
    that you don't ever have to be out
    of sight — and that doesn't allow an
    adolescent to experience that sense
    of being a bit separate, of finding
    one's self.

    "It means you don't have a chance
    to mature on your own; to know
    who you are."

    That last statement "It means you don't have a chance to mature on your own; to know who you are." it really got to me. It got me to thinking about the negative effects that all this technology has and will have on this generation. Think about it, for a lot of people the draw to social networks is the ability to receive immediate gratification (i,e comments, picture comments, messages.) it's almost like you don't even have to leave your house in order to have a "social life."

    Technology is both a gift and a burden.

Comments (3)

  • I like how sometimes you do these revisions and in a sense, critical lens sometimes on articles you read. Ironically, I just recently handed in a paper which had to be basely loosed on how technology is both a blessing and a curse in disguise for the future. If people become so sentimentally detatched due to lack of real life social interaction, it's going to be harder and harder for people to keep up with everything at once. 

  • I have to agree 100%.  There is a song by Brad Paisley called "Online."  It's about how he works at a pizza store and drives and old car... but online, he is a celebrity.  I, you can portray yourself as anybody you want to be.  It's kind of scary, actually.  That's why kids are vulnerable to meeting and hooking up with child molesters.  They don't fully understand the risks and consequences.  

  • tell me about it.  i'm a teacher and we've actually done social work groups for students about how to be safe on the internet.  we have sent home fliers to parents to about making sure their students don't put too much information on the internet.

    it's so easy to have multiple personalities with the internet these days.  

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