September 6, 2007

  • Being honest with yourself, do you judge others by their outer appearances at first glance?

        Yes I do judge others by their outer appearances at first glance. But answer me this what's worse, judging appearances of someone you just saw by a glance or judging someone you already know? The extent to which you judge someone should be considered. Of course by just seeing someone I make generalizations on how they look, this doesn't mean that these general assumptions I made will be imprinted forever, If I see someone else who looks like that person I won't keep my previous observations because I know that every person is different. Outward appearances only tell you what you see, to someone else they may see something totally different. If I have a close friend or even an acquaintance that I know, i don't judge them because I know more about who they are and it seems pointless to make criticisms or judgements because those judgements can be completely ruled out at any point. People can suprise you.

    The most common thing is judging a person and categorizing them with anyone that shares similar characteristics. That's one of the things I can't stand, is when people follow trends. "Your digging your own grave" in a sense, and if you don't care hey that's fine.

    • 1.Your going to be categorized.
    • 2. Any preconceptions they have about you are because of others that look like you.
    • 3. Your not being yourself your just a follower, a carbon copy. (and of course what do you expect people are going to think about you.) We'd like to think we live in a world where people don't judge and stereotype but the truth is we're far from that reality. It's kind of like they already know you without having met you.

    (Be yourselves! What's so hard about that?)  But yeah I guess I do judge people by their outward appearance to an extent. This is something we've done since we were kids, being taught how to classify things into groups. I'm not saying its right, but that it comes naturally. The only thing to do, is to be yourself, and if the world won't accept that, then fuck 'em..

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