Month: September 2007

  • Come on , somebody join up lol.

    Sworn Enemy said it best

    Sworn Enemy: We Hate

    What I really hate is music like yours
    Makes me wanna smash your head through a door
    Kill yourself go die
    It'd be a better place in my eyes
    Must be some kind of sick joke
    Fact you exist makes me wanna choke
    We hate your music we hate you too
    We got our reasons for what we do
    You can not hide you stupid fucks
    We really think your music sucks
    Where did you come from, go back
    You should be hung up like meat from a rack
    I can't believe what has become
    To a scene that I once loved
    We hate your music we hate you too
    We got our reasons for what we do
    You can not hide you stupid fucks
    We really think your music sucks
    I'm burned out I tried my best
    But I gotta get this off my chest
    These cloned wannabes fashion disasters
    The best way to describe brings me laughter
    "You Fakeass mothafuckers you wonder why
    we hate you.. your existence makes me sick
    We hate your music we hate you too
    We hate your music we hate you too
    We hate

    On another note I'm in the process of deleting my myspace and it feels good actually.

  •     Man I want to punch a baby. You know what I've noticed? A lot of people are starting to become more environmentally conscious, like music artists talking about saving the environment. It's kind of fucked up how everyones just starting to realize just how bad we've been damaging the environment. That's all I have to say about that, oh and the world is probably going to end December 21, 2012. Look it up and see what you think about it, theres a lot of crazy theories being put out there.

    Aside from that life's been pretty good.

  •     Tired... Man I remember when this band didn't suck. lol. I'm bored so I thought I'd just write in here. Yesterday was fun I don't have school Fridays so that's my free day. I went skateboarding with whorehey (Jorge) actually it was fun we were skating down this concrete hill and practicing some tricks. After a while we went to go look for Freddy at school(our old high school) *shudders* and we were going to go to the movies but Freddy had work so we just decided to go hang out at his house for a bit and he gave us a ride. But our plans were fucked cause of Jorge's soccer practice. Oh well maybe some other day.

  • Being honest with yourself, do you judge others by their outer appearances at first glance?

        Yes I do judge others by their outer appearances at first glance. But answer me this what's worse, judging appearances of someone you just saw by a glance or judging someone you already know? The extent to which you judge someone should be considered. Of course by just seeing someone I make generalizations on how they look, this doesn't mean that these general assumptions I made will be imprinted forever, If I see someone else who looks like that person I won't keep my previous observations because I know that every person is different. Outward appearances only tell you what you see, to someone else they may see something totally different. If I have a close friend or even an acquaintance that I know, i don't judge them because I know more about who they are and it seems pointless to make criticisms or judgements because those judgements can be completely ruled out at any point. People can suprise you.

    The most common thing is judging a person and categorizing them with anyone that shares similar characteristics. That's one of the things I can't stand, is when people follow trends. "Your digging your own grave" in a sense, and if you don't care hey that's fine.

    • 1.Your going to be categorized.
    • 2. Any preconceptions they have about you are because of others that look like you.
    • 3. Your not being yourself your just a follower, a carbon copy. (and of course what do you expect people are going to think about you.) We'd like to think we live in a world where people don't judge and stereotype but the truth is we're far from that reality. It's kind of like they already know you without having met you.

    (Be yourselves! What's so hard about that?)  But yeah I guess I do judge people by their outward appearance to an extent. This is something we've done since we were kids, being taught how to classify things into groups. I'm not saying its right, but that it comes naturally. The only thing to do, is to be yourself, and if the world won't accept that, then fuck 'em..

    I just answered this Featured Question, you can answer it too!

  • "There was a place I once loved and's gone now...."

    .....Maybe for the best.

    Thanks to all for the b/day comments .. You know each year I grow  and  it makes me realize how much  I've changed, everyone I've encountered in this life, and everything  that has happened to me, good or bad, made me this person I am today. So from now on no regrets, and I'm going to try and stop being so nostalgic about my past and shit, cause If you've ever read my past blogs(if you haven't would just have to read them, btw feel free to browse previous entries of mine thats why its an open journal.) or whatever there's usually that recurring theme of my past. It's good to reflect on your past but its far more important to focus on the present, so that's what I'm going to do. Anyways.......... Live!.......Love!.....Burn!.....Die!  lmao no just kidding Atreyu doesn't belong here.

    "There's a certain nostalgia and romance in a place you left."

    -David Guterson

    "That is the land of lost content, I see it

    shining plain, the happy highways where

    I went and cannot come again."

    -A.E. Houseman

    "Some of the best lessons we ever learn are learned from past mistakes.
    The error of the past is the wisdom and success of the future."

    Dale E. Turner